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to additional web media...
- The Naked News
Ever wonder what it would be like if the news was broadcast by naked people? Here's your chance to find out at Canada's nakednews.com. (In Canada, everyone is naked!) KIDS: Please don't click this link, it's for big people only. Go back to playing Pokemon.
- RadioFreeSatan.com
Only the best in Satanic Radio, with plenty of stuff even non-Satanists will enjoy. You can't go wrong with hosts like Honey Hellfire, Professor Sinister and ZuZu Malison Cypher. KIDS: Feel free to click this link.
- JenniShow
Jennicam is already an internet legend, but she's now extended into
a type of streaming video entertainment that puts Real World to shame.
Course, my collection of dried grapefruit puts Real World to shame.
- Nardwuar.com
Though he calls himself "the human serviette" a better title
might be "annoying pest to the stars." Nardwuar has been serving
up a host of classic interviews for several years now, many are archived
on his site.
- Tony
This is good shit! If you thought Stanley Clarke's "School Days" was one
of the great fusion albums, you'll love Webb's bass playing. The tunes
are a simply bass and drums, (not to be confused with drum and bass.)
With a name like Webb, the guy's destined to be an internet sensation.
- Gajoob
Gajoob features Do It Yourself radio, showcasing surprisingly good material
from the great unwashed.
- Genius-Productions
I like going here to watch their Romanian Rap videos.
- All
Japanese Pop Music
I've always been fascinated at how every japanese pop song sounds kind
of like something you've heard before but is just slightly different. (Note: hyperlink link goes straight to music stream.)
- 15
Jeffrey Zeldman interviews various web and film celebrities.
- Those
Darn Kidz
Spoken word wackiness from Nemo 19 and Chuck Swaim.
- The
Black Sun - Boyd Rice meets Devo
- Rick
Ahhh, soothing, all keyboard agro-metal.
