American Romance 2004
By John Saleeby
June 16th, 2004
Every so often a love affair comes along that captures the heart of the whole
wide World - Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, John and Jackie Kennedy, John
Saleeby and the chick who plays the Principal on "The Steve Harvey Show" . . .
And today America has fallen head over heels in love with Lynndie England and
Charles Graner, the Romeo and Juliet of Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad. But now
our star crossed lovers have been cruelly separated, Lynndie here in the USA and
Charles still back in Iraq . . .
Yo Lynndie,
Goddam, aren't there any prettier pictures of you that your stupid family could
have released to the press? Geez, being around all those naked Arabs must have
really put my eye for pussy waaay out of wack if I could put it to a monkey like
you. I apologize to The President, Donald Rumsfeld, and all those fag Democrat
Senators for not finding a more attractive female for them to look at pictures
of me and everybody else in Iraq having sex with. Guess the camera not being
able to pick up "HELTER SKELTER" when you write it on the wall with cum turned
out to be a pretty good thing after all, eh? So what do you look like now that
you're pregnant and shit? I'd like to see you naked while you're pregnant. I'd
like to see you and a whole bunch of other naked pregnant bitches in a pyramid
so then I could jump on top of you all and then the babies would shoot out of
you and smack up against the wall. That would be some funny shit. Then we could
pile the babies up in a pyramid and I could jump on top of them and then the
shit would shoot out of them and smack up against the wall. That would be some
funny shit. Yesterday I piled up some pieces of shit in a pyramid and jumped on
top of them. Nothing shot out if them and smacked up against the wall but it was
still some funny shit. I am a little insulted that Donald Rumsfeld did not come
visit us when he came over here. Ain't nobody done more to teach those Muslim
pieces of shit a lesson on what happens when you mess with the Red, White, And
Blue than us and he can't even be bothered to say "Hi". Shit, just for that I
might just tell em everything we did was his idea. Yeah, he was on his cell
phone giving us directions from Washington the whole time - "Take all their
clothes off! Can you hear me? Take all their clothes off! Can you hear me? Pile
em up in a pyramid! Can you hear me? Pile em up in a pyramid! I'm losin' you!
I'm losin' you! Is the little ugly bitch there yet?" But you don't know what I'm
talking about - Donald Rumsfeld is one of those people on TV who isn't Kid Rock
or Jay Leno. You wouldn't understand about that any more than how to fuck
without getting pregnant and making a lot of trouble for everybody, you dumb
whore. This morning they told me to get up out of bed and go see my lawyer. I
said "Fuck off". Then they got all mad and I said "What are you gonna do? Make
me take off my clothes and masturbate? Hell, I'll do it right now!" So I took
off my clothes and started masturbating until they went away. Too bad I didn't
know about that when my parents would make me get up to go to school. Too bad
for MOM - HAHAHA!! Jesus, I bet when you come into the room now it's like a
Monster Truck rally with a big old hound dog riding in the back. Man, you are
gonna scare the crap outta them when they haul you into the courtroom! Maybe
they can raise up a curtain so they see you chained to the wall like King Kong.
Don't shave your upper lip for a coupla days, turn your eyelids inside out,
carve a swastika onto your forehead like the Manson girls and the Japs will make
a science fiction movie with a sumo wrestler in a rubber Lynndie suit stomping
on a scale model of Tokyo. By the time you get out of prison you will be an ugly
old cow so from here on out it's Dyke City for you - And I don't mean San
Francisco! Ha ha! Hold the paper up to your nose so I can laugh in your face,
bitch - HA HA HA! Now I am rubbing the paper on my ass so kiss it, bitch, kiss
it! Now I am jumping up and down on it so lay down on the floor with it on top
of your head until your goddam skull cracks open and the shit inside your head
squirts out all over the place.
I Love You,
Dere Charles,
The baby bin kicking. Too bad I'm not having twins so he'd hav someone to
kick aroun like his Mommy an Daddy. I'm gonna tell em thet in the pickture where
I'm pointin my fingers at dicks I had some medecal ointmunt on the tips of my
fingers an I was about to put it on there dicks an cure them of some weerd Arab
dick diseese. Peeple will beleeve that. That's why my cigeret was in my mouth,
my hands were all covered with ointmunt. We were not forcin them to masterbate,
we were making sure they put the ointmunt all over there weerd Arab diseese
infekted dicks. If we had not don that there dicks wood have turnd green and
sprowted legs and liddle crab eyes lookin at you an fell off an run aroun bitin
peeple. Weerd Arab dick diseese - No one new abowt it befor we discoverd it an
cured it so it will never be seen agin. We saved the wurld. I tol my lawyer thet
an he just looked at me wit his mowth hangin open. Doez that mean he think it is
a good idea? I never delt with a jew befor. Witch one of the girls frum "Charmd"
do you think shud play me in the maid for TV movee about me? I wunt the girl
frum "Charmd" who used to be ngaged to Marylen Manson to play me in the maid for
TV movee about me an wen I wrote her a ledder she took out a restraning order
aginst me an wen I wrote Marylen Manson a ledder he wrote me a ledder sain she
took out a restraning order aginst him too and then he took out a restraning
order aginst me too. Then Shannon Doerty foun out I was looken for someone too
play me and send me a pickture of her pullen her agent aroun by a leesh. The
sceery part is that it had alredy been taken abowt five or sicks yeers ago. I
herd in prison they make knives out of toothbrushs. What is a toothbrush? Hey,
they say we didn't follo the Ganiva convenshun with thos prisoners. But thos
prisoners were guys, guys don't have ganivas, guys have dicks! Only girls have
ganivas, rite? My baby wil come out of my ganiva, rite? Have you bin folloing
Cortney Love lately? Thank God somebody is trying to bring a little class and
elegance to the world of entertainment.
Lets Role,
You Dumb Whore,
My strongest memory of Abu Ghraib? The constant, pervasive smell of feet, ass,
and armpits. One day we will be reunited and it will all come back to me. Hey, I
heard they made a movie about bitches like you - "Mean Girls"! Ha ha ha! No, if
it was really about you it would be "Mean Bitches". No, it would be "Ugly Mean
Bitches". "Ugly Mean Bitches Who Don't know How To fuck Without Getting Pregnant
And Making A lot Of Trouble For Everybody", you dumb whore. Shit, the day they
were handing out brains you musta been where they were handing out dicks
pointing at em and laughing with a cigerette in your mouth. Our mistake was
having only one black guy with us when we were playing around with them Arabs.
If there were three or four black guys in trouble with us the media would be
afraid to portray us in a negative light and the Army wouldn't press charges on
us. Aw, who am I kidding? If there had been more than one black guy there we
wouldn't have needed any Arabs to kick around. Shit, I bet those Iraqis have
ways to make black guys squeal we don't even know about. Kind of makes you
think, don't it? Oh, I'm sorry - I forgot who I'm writing to. I heard Rush
Limbaugh compared what we did to frat pranks like in "Animal House". Remember
when we brought that camel up in the CO's office and I gave you a gun and sent
you in there to shoot the camel and when we didn't hear anything we looked in
there and you were fucking the camel? I bet the President got a kick out of
those pictures! And okay, so maybe telling you how much I'd like to fuck that
Beyonce bitch in my last letter was kind of "insensitive". Get used to me
talking about other bitches, we're going to spend the next few years of our
lives in prison and if your ass is all I have to look forward to when I get out
I won't have the will to fight of the gang rapists. After all those years as a
prison guard to find myself in this situation! What's that word to describe
this? No, not "Irony". "Sodomy" - That's the word.
And Remember, You're Suckin' For TWO Now, Bitch!
Hoping You Can't Remember My Name
Deer Charles,
Went to the baby docter today. The Docter askt me if I have any crayvins. I said "Yeh, I'd like to cut an Arab's arm off and watch him bleed to deth". The Docter
askt if I'd like to brest feed. I said "Yeh, but only in front of a bunch of
hungry Arab babys. Yeh, in front of a hole bunch of hungry Arab babys and Arab
women whos tits have bin cut off and fed to dogs." They did an ultrasound and a
Preast, a Paster, and a Rabbeye spent three hours tryin to find the number 666
on the baby's fourhead. A momma and baby can usuelly leave the hospetal right
after the berth but we'll have to stay a liddle bit longer so the docters can
shave it down and remove the tail. Oh, let me write this down since it just
ockurred to me - What happens when you shuv popcorn kernels up a small animel's
ass and then put it inna mikrowave? That could make a good video for "America's
Funnyest Animals". Are there mikrowaves big enuff to hold a human?
Bring It On,
It's me, the poor bastard whose life you have fuckin' ruined. I'm not myself
lately, this morning there was a roach on the floor and when I stepped on I
didn't get a hard on. What pisses me off is that we're in all this trouble and
they're letting all those prisoners go! What do you think all those guys will do
once they get out of prison? Same thing we're all gonna do when we get out -
Take off all their clothes, pile up on top of each other and come on themselves.
At least in Abu Ghraib they could engage in such activities in a safe, clean
environment and with adult supervision. When all those guys were jerking off
together in Abu Ghraib you think they had to worry about their Mom walking in on
them and going "Oh, my God! You're gonna go blind!" or whatever Muslim Moms
holler when they catch their sons jacking off? How can they send those poor guys
out in the repressive Muslim society once they've had a chance to swing like
real Americans? They should at least give them free tickets to go to New Orleans
for Mardi gras or Spring Break in Florida. You know, I like to think that
somewhere out there in Iraq our boys are getting other Arabs naked, piling em up
in Pyramids, jacking off together, and getting crazy just like regular joes like
you and me are doing all over the USA! Yeah! We did more to bring the American
Way Of Life to the Arab World than any dickhead businessman or fag missionary!
Remember Shitboy, that one prisoner who used to smear shit all over himself? I
am proud that America could create an atmosphere where a young Muslim man could
express himself in such a free and open manner. That's what America is all about
- You wanna smear shit all over yourself, you go right ahead and smear shit all
over yourself. I did it myself the other day and it felt great! Smeared shit all
over myself and I was SHITMAN! You wanna fuck with Charles Graner you're gonna
have to fuck with SHITMAN! You don't like it? I don't give a shit, I'll give you
SHITMAN! I don't care if I have to spend a month in seclusion under psychiatric
observation twenty four hours a day and when my pregnant whore reads about it in
the letters I send her she gets upset. You want to know about "upset", imagine
some troll you balled to kill time until you had to go back on duty tells you
she's pregnant - Now that's "upset"! Oh wait, this is a letter to my girlfriend
I'm dictating to you? Well, stop writing! Stop writing! All right, buddy, you
want trouble I'll give you trouble - Give me just a coupla minutes and you're
gonna be dealing with SHITMAN!!
Charles Graner
Dear Charles,
I've bin smearing myself with shit for years, doesn't everybody? What I'm
looking foreward to is smearing myself with the plasenta of my baby and then
hangin myself with the umbelecal cord. Remember that one Arab guy bangin his hed
aginst the wall to knock himself out? The other nite I tride that when I
couldn't go to sleep and I knocked a whole in the wall and allmost scaped. You
might want to give it a try, now they make me go to bed with a Nerf football
hellmet so when I bang my hed aginst the wall it just bownces off and flys aroun
the room until I can catch it and reeattach it to my neck. I saw Mama on the
news talking bout what a nice girl I am. wonder why she didn't do her fart
lightin trick for em like she usuelly does when there's a camra aroun? Shit.
They musta caught her befor lunch. The Presdent has taken Saddam's pistol as a
soovineer. I'd rather have that plastick shredder Saddam used to throw peeple
into. We could attach it to the end of a Slip N Slyde for when the kid is big
enuff to have bakyard pool partys. Open up a dog food factery, make a few bucks.
I am gettin ready to rite me a book for when the publeshers finally get there
offers together and give me a call. I remember when I was a liddle kid in grade
school they made us praktiss writing all the ledders by ritin them over and over
agin until we filld up a hole page. So today I got ready to rite the book by
fillin up a hole page full of As - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, like that for a hole page
and tomoro I'm gonna do a hole page of Bs - BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB, like that. When
I'm finishd doin the hole alfabet I will put all the pages full of ledders
together and use them as the chapter in the book about when I was a liddle kid
in grade school. I wil use the list of all the peeple I had to contackt when I
got crabs as the chapter about when I was in hi school. If I use use all of
there picktures it will be the eggzact same thing as the class yeerbook only I
won't use that shit wear I was voted Most Likely To Kik Out The Reer Windo Of A
Police Cruizer On "COPS". They're sorry now, I'm the biggest thing to happen to
that place sints Ike Carlson blew up his traler tryin to start up a Krystal Meth
lab. I bin tired of bein lockt up all the time but last nite was a full moon so
when I woke up in the mornin outside nakid and surrounded by bones and guts it
was a nice brake.
I Love You,
What do you think? Leave your comments on the Guestbook!
John Saleeby wrote for The National Lampoon while he was in high school, was a stand up comic in New York, and has contributed to the net humor zines Schmuck.com, Campaign Central, and the legendary American Jerk. He's on medication now so he's probably a little nicer now than he was when you met him earlier. Email - jacksaleeby1@hotmail.com